Felix de Moya Anegon. This is the third post in our series on performance indicators of government organizations and leading national scientific institutions (National Research Councils and Science Academies). After the analysis of
Spanish CSIC and
German Max Planck Society we now focus on the Italian
Cosiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche CNR and its research institutes. Mainly funded by public funds, the Italian leading scientific institution is a government agency with
107 Institutes set throughout the country (four of them have been discontinued) and grouped into
11 thematic departments. In 2009, the scientific output attributable to CNR Institutes represented more than 10% of Italian scientific output. Again, we present in this post a table (in PDF format) that, based on Elsevier’s Scopus database, shows scientometric indicators of research output, citation impact and international collaboration related to CNR Institutes.
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